Next Gen 2022 and 2023 Podcasts
The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum has come out of a group of international sheep producer organisations American Lamb Board, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, British National Sheep Association, Canadian Sheep Federation, National Sheep Association, National Wool Growers’ Association of South Africa and Sheep Producers Australia.
One of its purposes is to share information and support sheep farming around the world. One way we aim to do this by connecting young farmers through a live podcast which will be hosted by AgWatchers. AgWatchers aim is to educate but also to entertain, to have engaging conversations with those involved in agriculture.

The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum who we are
The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum has come out of a group of international sheep producer organisations to share information and support sheep farming around the world.
Listen to AgWatchers Andrew Whitelaw and Matt Dalgleish chat to Nick Jolly Senior Trade Policy Advisor (Environment) Beef + Lamb New Zealand and Bonnie Skinner Chief Executive Officer Sheep Producers Australia about how that journey began.

AgWatchers chatted to Emily Davis New Zealand's featured Young Producer
Since growing up in Lincolnshire, England, my journey in sheep farming has taken me to the other
side of the world, to where I now work on a sheep and beef farm in Central Otago, New Zealand.
Although I don’t come from a farming background, I was always fascinated by the tractors going
through the village at all times of the day and night, especially in the summer, and by the small flock
of sheep that lived a couple of fields away behind the house. However, I didn’t know how to go about
getting that first foot on the farming ladder without having been born into it, so I got in touch with
the farm manager on the local arable farm to find out more.
After a week’s work experience spent getting to grips with greasing machinery, fencing, soil sampling and driving a (small!) tractor, I knew that I had to be involved in farming somehow and couldn’t wait to learn more. The following Easter, I went up to Yorkshire to spend some time with two hill farmers who had kindly offered to teach a complete novice all about lambing. I was captivated by the tradition and culture of hill farming and after lambing my first ewe that week, a Mule with a tangled set of twins, I was well and truly bitten by the sheep farming bug.
In 2014 I started studying BSc Agriculture at the University of Nottingngham, spending every holiday where I could either lambing, milking cows or carting corn. I spent my third year at a university in France learning about - amongst other things - growing wine and how it can go hand in hand with sheep production! It was after talking to a group of French dairy technicians at a farm tour that I first got the idea of going to New Zealand.
After graduating in 2018, I worked over the harvest to save up for a plane ticket, then set off that October for what was supposed to be six months in New Zealand – nearly five years later I am still there! The first six months I spent milking cows and working on a neighbouring drystock farm near Matamata in the Waikato, before venturing south to pursue my goal of working with sheep on a larger scale, to the farm I now work on, Minzion Station.
Minzion is a 6,500 ha sheep and beef property in Central Otago, New Zealand. Beginning in the Teviot Valley, the land consists of intensively managed crop and grassland on the home blocks and extends out to the extensive pastoral tussock country of Mount Teviot (1000m asl) and Lake Onslow (700m asl). There is strong focus on legume production both on the hill country (white clover) and the lower home blocks (lucerne for grazing and making baleage), as well as brassicas for wintering ewes postshearing and youngstock.
Stockwise, we run approximately 850 Hereford and Hereford x Angus cows and 150 replacement heifers, with Hereford, Angus X and Charolais X calves being bred to sell in the autumn as stores. The sheep flock currently stands at about 13,000 ewes, 5000 of which are Perendales and 8000 of which are Halfbreds (Romney x Merino). We have introduced the Halfbreds gradually over the past few years, by sourcing ewe lambs from a few select farms and breeding our own replacements, with the eventual aim of replacing the Perendales completely. The additional income from the Halfbreds’ higher quality wool and their ability to do well on drier country, along with their excellent maternal instinct and handling ease, makes them a much better fit for the system. Last year we started eID tagging the ewe lambs, with the aim of monitoring their performance on desired traits (such as number of lambs weaned, fleece weight and micron) in order to select the most productive sheep to breed from. There is also a small stud flock of 45 Suftex and Suf-Bel-Tex ewes, which is a bit of an experiment in progress to see which cross produces the best terminal sires to use over the commercial ewes.
There are three of us working full-time on the farm – myself, a junior shepherd and the farm owner manager – as well as a casual shepherd when needed and a part-time fencer general. We rely heavily on seasonal labour in the spring and summer months, especially for tractor work. My role on the farm comprises anything from cultivating paddocks and drenching lambs, to making feed budgets and preparing records for audits - I enjoy the fact that there is such a variety of work and that no two days are the same. In the long term, I hope to put the skills and knowledge I have gained into practice one day in my own farm business, and to be in a position to help other new entrants into the sheep industry.

AgWatchers chat to Clarice Ané van den Berg South Africa's featured Young Producer
I am 27 years old and currently working at Doornbult Feedlot in Limpopo, South Africa. I studied BSc Animal Science at the University of Pretoria and graduated in 2019. I am currently busy with my MSc in Animal Nutrition. I grew up in Pretoria, Gauteng. Although growing up in the city, my passion for the farming industry was established at a young age increasing as I worked on a variety of farms, veterinarian clinics for large and small animals and now being part of the Doornbult farming family and community.
At Doornbult Feedlot, where I started working after graduating, I gained a lot of knowledge and practical experience about the feedlot industry, its shortcomings, challenges and possibilities. Venturing into establishing a Lamb producing feedlot, we started with 90 ewes in 2020 and grew to 400 ewes in 2023 with the prospects of increasing the numbers even higher to meet our projected margins. All our ewes graze on pastures and receive additional feed to meet their nutritional needs and keep them in excellent condition. Our ewes are placed in groups of a 100. With the application of synchronization programs and methods each group produces lambs at 8 months intervals which work out to a lambing session every two months. All lambs are born in closed facilities to ensure a safe environment and every lamb is monitored and well looked after. Replacement ewes are chosen out of these lambing groups according to statistical analysis and conformation with the remaining lambs moved to the feedlot. We take pride in producing top-quality lambs at 45kg live weight for our local market in Polokwane, Limpopo.
My Master degree is based on the effects of Zilpatherol hydrochloride on the Dorper lamb breed and how this might improve the Dorper meat production in South Africa. The clinical study is going well and I am looking forward to completing the thesis during the year.

AgWatchers chat to Georgia White Sheep Producers Australia's featured Young Producer
I am very fortunate to be the 5th generation farmer on our family property Talbragar where we produce Merino wool, sheep meat and Angus beef cattle. I graduated from the Farm Management course at Marcus Oldham College in 2019 and my brother James graduated in 2022. After graduating we both came back home to work on the property and implement changes to our livestock production systems. We run non-muelsed dual purpose Merinos, 18-19 Micron, and our main focus is on breeding easy to manage, highly fertile ewes that produce good quality sheep meat as well as wool. We are very proud to have recently expanded our business with the purchase of a neighbouring property, allowing my brother and I to work alongside each other and our parents to fine tune our production cycles. In the future, we hope to push boundaries on reproduction and lamb survivability, while reducing our susceptibility to parasites, creating a more sustainable and easy management flock.

AgWatchers chat to Matthew Francisco Canadian Sheep Federation's Young Producer
Matthew Francisco farms along side his fiancée Brenna Mckeeman and they operate Maple Hill Farm located in Rockwood, Ontario, Canada. Matt graduated from the University of Guelph, Ridgetown campus in 2016 with a diploma in agriculture and Brenna graduated from the same college in 2019.
Matt entered the sheep industry in 2014 with 40 polled Dorset ewes.
After graduating college and meeting Brenna they started expanding their business going to 100 ewes then and have gradually grown their ewe flock to 350 ewes with plans to be over 400 in 2023 and grow to 500-600 ewes in the next 2-3 years. They are focused on a year-round lambing program lambing every 6 weeks. They take pride in producing a high-quality heavy lamb at 100lbs for their local market in Toronto. They have more recently ventured into direct marketing meats including pork, chicken, turkey and lamb as a way to diversify our business.
Both Matt and Brenna work off farm. Brenna works for Jones Feed Mill as a customer service representative and Matt works with a neighbour that runs a custom farming business and dairy farm. In the winter time Matt will plow snow in town. When Matt is not working, he enjoys being active as the chair for Ontario Youth Lamb producers. Mentoring the next generation of sheep farmers is key to a strong sector. Matt attended the Global forums conference held at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. "It was a pleasure to meet all of the delegates from around the world. From Nick Jolly from New Zealand to Dan Phipps and his wife from the United Kingdom you folks are outstanding members of our global sheep community."

AgWatchers chat to Ed Brant UK National Sheep Association's Young Producer
Ed Brant is approaching his first full year working full time on the family farm in Lincolnshire full time where he manages the sheep enterprise and helps with the other enterprises.
The farm is on the Lincolnshire Wolds, so a gentle rolling topography with around 600mm of annual rainfall. The are the 5th or 6th generation to farm our current farm, and farming even before that on different farms.

AgWatchers chat to Ed Brant UK National Sheep Association's Young Producer
Ed Brant is approaching his first full year working full time on the family farm in Lincolnshire full time where he manages the sheep enterprise and helps with the other enterprises.
The farm is on the Lincolnshire Wolds, so a gentle rolling topography with around 600mm of annual rainfall. We are the 5th or 6th generation to farm our current farm, and farming even before that on different farms.
I was reared on the farm along with my sister, Alice, who is training as an agricultural accountant. I went to a local school, where I never really excelled, but did enough to get into University. I studied a BSc in Agriculture at Newcastle University from 2013-2016. While growing up, interests in agriculture were indulged (which resulted in the setting up of a pedigree sheep flock), but a career away from farming was encouraged.
After university I went to work abroad in New Zealand and Australia in consecutive summers. In New Zealand I worked on the dairy run off section of a dairy farm near Rangiora. In Australia I worked on a cereal farm in Western Australia which also ran 300 breeding cattle. I learnt a huge amount from working on both these farms, from grazing and livestock handling to managing people and how their businesses were run. While abroad I also took the opportunity to visit a few sheep farms and breeders.
Once back in the UK I spent a couple of months on our home farm, when a job came up as a breeding consultant with Signet (our equivalent to SIL), I applied for the job and got it. My role at Signet was client support, growing the numbers of breeders using recording and raising awareness of performance recording and genetics to farmers. I really enjoyed working at Signet, speaking to the clients, being involved with large projects, the people and learning new skills, and it helped me develop professionally no end. Due to staffing issues on the home farm I had a decision to make a decision if I wanted to work at home in the short term or long term (also at this stage I quite wanted to be applying the advice I was giving to breeders to my own flock). I finished work with Signet in November last year and have been working on farm since then.
The farm: The farm is a mixed arable, suckler beef and sheep over 600ha. There is around 400ha of crops (winter wheat, winter barley, spring barley, Oil Seed Rape, vinning peas) the arable area is also grows stubble turnips, fodder beet and cover crops for winter feed. The plan going forward is to integrate the sheep more with the arable side of the farm to reduce inputs on both enterprises. Which means a lot of temporary electric fencing.
Most of the grazing is permanent pasture which has never been cultivated and has been part of agrienvironment schemes which limits inputs and management.
The sheep flock has steadily been growing over the last few years, the aim is to lamb around 600 this year. Within the flock there are two breeds that are performance recording, which is the bulk of the work at lambing. We have a white faced maternal flock of Lleyns and a black faced terminal flock of Hampshires.
We have one full time employee that focuses on the arable work and over harvest and drilling employ a number of casuals when they are available.
I am passionate about learning more and feel there is always more to learn and to see, I am keen to help others with this outlook too, old or young, inside or outside the industry.
My goals are:
Grow the breeding sales from our flock both female and male
Expand our sheep enterprise at home to 1,000 ewes initially
Create a robust system that integrates sheep and arable
Tap into the potential in our local area (lots of arable farms with no livestock)
Be more involved within the industry
Continuous genetic improvement of our sheep

AgWatchers chat to Brady Evans American Lamb Board’s Young Producer
Brady Rose Evans, along with her parents, Dan & Roxanne Evans, operate Defaid Livestock Company.
The Evans family has been in the Texas sheep and goat industry since the mid-1990’s, but it was not until Brady moved home in 2016 that the family moved to a commercial Dorper operation, and Defaid Livestock Company officially began.
Defaid Livestock Company started with 50 head and has grown to over 250. The operation, although commercial based, also offers registered seedstock and club lambs, along with retail lamb cuts that come straight from Defaid Livestock pastures to their customer’s plates.
Today, along with the family livestock operation, Brady owns and operates Defaid Emporium, were she sells and promotes Defaid Livestock lamb meat, along with a wide variety of agricultural industry products and small family owned businesses from across the state.
Brady works closely with the Texas Department of Agriculture’s GO TEXAN program and American Lamb Board to promote “eating more lamb,” in the western region of Texas where beef dominates most plates.

AgWatchers chat to Ben Galloway Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Young Producer
I am 27 years old and currently managing our family farming operation alongside my fiancé Catherine. We have been on the home farm for coming up 3 years. We have a 16month old son named Angus.
Catherine is from England but has been in NZ 6 years, she works as a Vet for Tararua Vets in Pahiatua. Her parents are Dairy Farmers in Kent, and we try and get back to see them on an annual basis (apart from the covid delay!). Together we have bought a share into the farm.
I was brought up on the farm, with my two younger brothers Andrew and Rhys. The farm is situated in the lower north island 10km north of Woodville. I attended Dannevirke High School and from there did a Smedley Cadetship in 2013-14. I had a great time at Smedley, made some great friends and believe it helped set me up well for a career in agriculture.
Following Smedley, I did a Diploma in Agriculture at Lincoln University in 2015. Also, that year I went on a 3 week trip to the UK on an AFFCO scholarship won through Smedley. This followed our product essentially from paddock in NZ to plate in the UK and was linked in with Sainsburys Supermarket. It helped me understand the supply chain and a bit of what the UK consumer is looking for.
Following that I did a bit of an O.E. Alongside shearing in the NZ summers for a couple of seasons I enjoyed the UK summers, working on a beef farm in Southern Scotland and a sheep farm in the North. Also, on a Dairy Farm in Shropshire, and a couple of months shearing around Somerset. Coupled with some sightseeing around Europe it was a great couple of years.
I then headed back to NZ and got a job shepherding out at Pongaroa for Shaun and Tracie Baxter. I had a good 18months there and learnt a lot from them. They encouraged me to enter the Tararua Shepherd of the Year in 2019 and thankfully I was successful.
Since later on in 2019 I have been back on the family farm. Slowly taking over more responsibility off Dad and as of last year, am officially the ‘manager’. Although I still ask his opinion on a lot of things!
Outside of farming I enjoy rugby, cricket, hunting and time with family and friends.
The Farm:
We are 6th generation on the family farm. It has grown over the years but as of recently it is now 1200 ha or 2900acres (1100ha eff.). We run 4400 Romney breeding ewes, breeding our own replacements, and finishing anything else to the works. Also buying in a few store lambs and are finishing them too. We have 500 cattle, made up of fresian bulls bought in at 100kg and finished at 18mths and steers and heifers brought in as yearlings and finished to the works the following year.
We run 3 blocks. The home farm (1800 acres, mostly breeding with some finishing) is situated against the Ruahine Ranges. 6km towards Woodville is a 300-acre finishing block where my parents live. And 2km down the road from our home farm is an 800acre breeding and finishing block purchased on the 1 April this year. This block is going to be a great project for us, as it has a lot of potential with some development work done to it.
We employ a Shepherd and an extra summer student to get through the workload. Dad mostly works with his machinery as he is very passionate about that. My 80year old Grandfather is still on the farm and enjoys giving his machinery a run too. We do all our own fencing, tractor work, cropping and digger work so the machinery has its place.
In farming I am quite passionate about the stock and development of the land. I really enjoy the finishing component of the business and ways to achieve high growth rates, coinciding with development and better performance of pastures and efficiencies around the farm.
I am also passionate about teaching the younger generation coming through. We have a high school student on the farm that does a day a week work experience and another young student that enjoys coming out in his spare time.
Some of our goals for the next 5-10 years are to pay off debt, develop the new block of land, improve the finishing side of the business, and grow our family.
I hope this gives you a brief understanding of what we are about.
Ben Galloway