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Next Generation 2024 Podcasts

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The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum has come out of a group of international sheep producer organisations American Lamb Board, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, British National Sheep Association, Canadian Sheep Federation, National Sheep Association, National Wool Growers’ Association of South Africa and Sheep Producers Australia.


One of its purposes is to share information and support sheep farming around the world. One way we aim to do this by connecting young farmers through a live podcast to have engaging conversations with those involved in agriculture. 


In 2024, The Livestock Collective are excited to bring you the Global Sheep Producers Forum Next Generation podcasts, which will feature exclusive coverage of the 2024 Next Generation cohort in Adelaide for LambEx. Stay tuned for insightful discussions and updates from around the ground! 


You can download and listen to the 2024 Next Generation podcasts here


Behind the Collective spoke to Australian featured Young Producer Alanah Boxall

Keeping Communities Alive - This is the fourth episode where Behind the Collective chat to young sheep farmers from around the world, part of the global sheep forum next generation program. The aim is to inspire people to join the sheep industry, but also help current young sheep farmers network globally and develop their skills.

This episode, we are back in Australia chatting to Alanah Boxall. It covers more than just sheep. Tips on studying remotely, the importance of healthy communities, getting involved in your region and how to make your town a better place, all while getting to know Alanah. 

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Behind the Collective spoke to UK featured Young Producer Alanah Boxall

This episode is the third, where we are catching up with young sheep farmers from around the world. Rich Oglesby, is a new entrant Beef, Sheep and Red Deer farmer in Rothbury Northumberland in England. He farms in partnership with his wife Jen trading as R & J Oglesby Farming with 2000 breeding sheep, 100 Angus cows and 100 Red deer Hinds.


This episode covers all sorts of topics, how to get your foot in the door farming in England, what farming in England looks like, challenges amongst Ag and predictions for the future.

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Behind the Collective spoke to UK featured Young Producer Emily Jones

Emily Jones is a 4th generation farmer in Mid Wales. Emily has gained knowledge and experience from her family who have farmed the land in Garnwen for 96 years. They farm a mixture of Beef and sheep which consist of a Pedigree Herd of Beef Shorthorn Cattle and a commercial herd of Stabilizer crosses, then our sheep flocks range from a commercial flock of Easy Care and Nelson type Welsh, and we have Pedigree flocks of North Country Cheviots, both the Hill and Park type, Charmoise Hill sheep and Dorset Downs. Over the last few years Emily has been implementing a new system on the farm and the main focus is to be a sustainable as possible – from planting sustainable herbal leys to recording all of our livestock on the farm. I feel like this makes us unique as this is definitely the way forward.

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Behind the Collective speaks to US featured Young Producer this month

Camren Maierle, PhD 

Maierle is the Sustainability Director for the American Lamb Board and producer from Jacksontown, Ohio. He has a bachelor’s in animal science from The Ohio State University, and both master’s and doctoral degrees in animal and food science from West Virginia University. Maierle has been a livestock extension educator with Penn State University Extension, where he led schools for sheep producers.


2023 Highlight AgWatchers chats to Clarice Ané van den Berg South Africa's featured Young Producer

I am 27 years old and currently working at Doornbult Feedlot in Limpopo, South Africa. I studied BSc Animal Science at the University of Pretoria and graduated in 2019. I am currently busy with my MSc in Animal Nutrition. I grew up in Pretoria, Gauteng.  Although growing up in the city, my passion for the farming industry was established at a young age increasing as I worked on a variety of farms, veterinarian clinics for large and small animals and now being part of the Doornbult farming family and community.


At Doornbult Feedlot, where I started working after graduating, I gained a lot of knowledge and practical experience about the feedlot industry, its shortcomings, challenges and possibilities. Venturing into establishing a Lamb producing feedlot, we started with 90 ewes in 2020 and grew to 400 ewes in 2023 with the prospects of increasing the numbers even higher to meet our projected margins. All our ewes graze on pastures and receive additional feed to meet their nutritional needs and keep them in excellent condition. Our ewes are placed in groups of a 100. With the application of synchronization programs and methods each group produces lambs at 8 months intervals which work out to a lambing session every two months. All lambs are born in closed facilities to ensure a safe environment and every lamb is monitored and well looked after. Replacement ewes are chosen out of these lambing groups according to statistical analysis and conformation with the remaining lambs moved to the feedlot. We take pride in producing top-quality lambs at 45kg live weight for our local market in Polokwane, Limpopo. 

My Master degree is based on the effects of Zilpatherol hydrochloride on the Dorper lamb breed and how this might improve the Dorper meat production in South Africa. The clinical study is going well and I am looking forward to completing the thesis during the year.  


The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum who we are

The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum has come out of a group of international sheep producer organisations to share information and support sheep farming around the world.

Listen to AgWatchers Andrew Whitelaw and Matt Dalgleish chat to Nick Jolly Senior Trade Policy Advisor (Environment) Beef + Lamb New Zealand and Bonnie Skinner Chief Executive Officer Sheep Producers Australia about how that journey began.

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