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Our Partners


Agricultural Horticulture Development Board

AHDB is a statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. Our purpose is to inspire our farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We equip the industry with easy to use, practical know-how which they can apply straight away to make better decisions and improve their performance. Established in 2008 and classified as a Non-Departmental Public Body, it supports the following industries: meat and livestock (cattle, sheep and pigs) in England; horticulture, milk and potatoes in Great Britain; and cereals and oilseeds in the UK. AHDB’s remit covers 72 per cent of total UK agricultural output.

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Beef + Lamb New Zealand

Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd is the farmer-owned, industry organisation representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef farmers. We invest farmer levies in programmes that grow the sheep and beef industry and provide sustainable returns now and for future generations.

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National Sheep Association (NSA)

National Sheep Association is an organisation that represents the views and interests of sheep producers throughout the UK. It is funded by its membership of sheep farmers and its activities involve it in every aspect of the sheep industry.


NSA’s vision is one of the people involved in keeping sheep being enthusiastic, knowledgeable and aspiring to best practice – and those not keeping sheep being increasingly aware of the contribution sheep make to society and of the core aspects of the sector.

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National Wool Growers Association of South Africa

The National Wool Growers Association is a national commodity structure formed by commercial and communal wool sheep farmers in South Africa with the purpose of collectively representing the wool farmers in the country and to integrate, in a single representative structure, the development requirements of the sector.

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American Lamb Board

The American Lamb Board is an industry-funded research and promotions commodity board that represents all sectors of the American Lamb industry including producers, feeders, seed stock producers, and processors. The 13-member Board, appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, is focused on increasing demand by promoting the freshness, flavor, nutritional benefits, and culinary versatility of American Lamb. The work of the American Lamb Board is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the board’s programs are supported and implemented by the staff in Denver, Colorado.

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Canadian Sheep Federation

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the Canadian sheep industry at large are facing an exciting time in the evolution of the sheep value chain. Huge opportunities exist today to grow markets, increase value for all stakeholders, and secure the prosperity of the industry for the future. CSF plays a central role in coordinating efforts to make this happen, including resources like this website that are intended to help existing lamb producers and new entrants find the information and contacts they need to grow and prosper.

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NSA Next Generation

Supporting the future of the sheep industry through young people NSA Next Generation is a programme that is dedicated to encouraging and supporting the sheep farmers and service providers of the future.


Through offering young people interested in the sheep industry opportunities to join ambassador schemes to helping them in securing work placements and employment NSA Next Generation is helping the young shepherds of the future look forward positively and enthusiastically to a career in a sector that is crucial to UK livestock production.

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Sheep Producers Australia

Sheep Producers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia's 20,000 sheep meat producers.

We work hard on behalf of sheep producers to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sector.


As the national peak industry council, Sheep Producers Australia has a legislative responsibility under the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industries Act 1997 to recommend sheep and lamb levy rates to the Australian Government and provide policy recommendations to the Federal Minister for Agriculture.


Sheep Producers Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land in all states and territories on which we work. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and emerging, and honour their history, cultures, and traditions of storytelling.

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